IPPC 2019

Presence of OchraVine at the 19th International Conference for Plant Protection

Project Coordinator Prof. Dimitris Tsitsigiannis presented a poster of OchraVine Control project at the 19th International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC 2019). The congress was held in Hyderabad, India on November 10-14th 2019. The event was organized by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid tropics (ICRISAT) and was attended by 800 delegates. The International Plant…

Researcher's Night

OchraVine participates at Research night in NTUA

Christina Lagogianni (AUA, GR) presented OchraVine Control project during the “Researcher’s Night” in National Technical University of Athens on September 27, 2019. “Researcher’s Night” is a European Union initiative aimed at familiarizing the public with world of research. 1.500.000 visitors to more than 370 European cities participate in the Researcher Night last Friday in an…

AUA Workshop

First Workshop of OchraVine Control Project

The first workshop of OchraVine Control Project “Integrated & innovative precision agriculture strategies to monitor vineyard management and grape diseases” was successfully completed on September 16th in Agricultural University of Athens. The workshop was organized from Ochravine Control Project and the Plant Pathology laboratory of Agricultural University of Athens. More than 20 people undergraduate, postgraduate…


1st Mid-Term Meeting of OchraVine Control Project

The Mid-Term Meeting of OchraVine Control project was successfully completed between 16 and 17 September 2019 in Athens, Greece at the Agricultural University of Athens. The meeting was organized by Ass. Prof. Dimitrios Tsitsigiannis (Coordinator) and Mrs. Christina Lagogianni (Project manager) and all the Project Partners as well as the Project Officer attended it. Main…


OchraVine at Elsevier

The first article about OchraVine Control Project was published by Elsevier on Computers and Electronics in Agriculture journal, under the title “Development of thermography methodology for early diagnosis of fungal infection in table grapes: The case of Aspergillus carbonarius”. The article underlines the advantages of infrared thermography in early disease detection, caused from the filamentus…


Mr. Florian Chazottier from ENEO-France at Agricultural University of Athens

Mr. Florian Chazottier from ENEO France, visited the OchraVine Control Project experimental vineyards in Nemea, Greece during his secondment in Agricultural University of Athens. During his visit he collected NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NDRE (Normalized Difference Red Edge Index) data, by using two different georeferenced spectro sensors (Crop Circle and Spectro Sense). With these…

18th Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions International Conference

Project Coordinator Prof. Dimitris Tsitsigiannis at ICMPMI 2019

Project Coordinator Professor Dimitris Tsitsigiannis from Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), presenting OchraVine Control project in emerging pathosystems, during the 18th Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions International Conference (ICMPMI 2019) held in Glasgow, UK on, July 14-18 2019. Top scientists, excellent talks in cutting-edge topics, great discussions and more than 1400 participants!
