Project Coordinator Prof. Dimitris Tsitsigiannis presented a poster of OchraVine Control project at the 19th International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC 2019). The congress was held in Hyderabad, India on November 10-14th 2019. The event was organized by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid tropics (ICRISAT) and was attended by 800 delegates.
The International Plant Protection Congress, is held once in every 4 years for a duration of 5 days and attracts 2-3 thousand delegates. IPPC brings together plant protection specialists from around the world to discuss the science and practice of plant protection.
Main aim of IPPC2019 is to promote the application of integrated crop protection, with particular emphasis on pest-resistant cultivars, climate change effects on crops and crop pests, biological interventions, and use of modern tools in biotechnology and nanotechnology to increase the efficiency of crop protection measures.